About the project

About the project

What is the WE Start! Project?

“Women Education (and) Strategic Approach for Training! [WE START!]” is a strategic partnership project for innovation in the field of vocational education and training (VET) lasting 35 months (September 2018-August 2021). The priority to which it responds is that of social inclusion. In particular, the project intends: to develop participation processes, active citizenship and social inclusion; to increase digital skills to reduce gender differences; to favor access to the initial and continuing training of women aged 25-40 years who are European or “EU” citizens, non-European citizens, stateless persons, refugees, ROMs, single mothers, women subject to close family and / or religious ties, women living in rural areas. In order to support the active involvement of target women, the participation of professionals identified by the partners is foreseen among: trainers, sociologists, educators, psychologists, teachers and counselors.

To achieve the objectives identified, WE START! proposes to carry out 4 Intellectual Outputs:

  1. a Guide to innovative technological methodologies, methods and tools to promote the social inclusion of women;
  2. a Social Learning Platform that can be used and available on digital devices;
  3. a Toolkit Assessment (Self-assessment, E-assessment, Peer-assessment) able to measure the skills (basic and transversal) of the target women of the project and any changes that occurred following the realization of the paths through the S.L.P;
  4. a Policy Paper which aims to provide policy-makers with indications and suggestions regarding the social inclusion of target women, increasing levels of active participation, methods for facilitating access to vocational training and reducing gender differences in relation to TIC.

The project includes the following multiplier events:
5 seminars to disseminate the Intellectual Outputs in each partner countries, 1 final conference on project outcomes in Italy (Casarano).

The project includes the following implementation phases:

  • IMPLEMENTATION (A.N.S.I). During this phase 4 meetings are scheduled with the main stakeholders, territorial experts to contribute to the realization of the outputs (IO1-IO3-IO4) and 1 thematic in-depth seminar on the contents of the project to be carried out with professionals
  • MONITORING AND EVALUATION (Leader Studio Erresse and VHC Wien)
  • DISSEMINATION (Leader VHS CHAM). In this phase, there will be 1 thematic in-depth seminar on the contents to be realized with external professionals;


The institutions participating in WE START! are representative of 6 European countries: Italy, Greece, Romania, Austria, Germany and Cyprus.
Project coordinator is A.N.S.I. (IT) training body accredited by the Puglia Region, engaged in the creation of paths aimed at young people (NEET), unemployed adults and women.
The partners are:

  • DEDALUS (IT) cooperative expert in projects and services aimed at young migrants and women ROM;
  • STUDIO ERRESSE (IT) cooperative company that deals with monitoring, evaluation and consulting for third sector organizations, companies and public administration; research, orientation and assessment of skills;
  • AESD (RO) organization engaged in the implementation of digital training activities (distance learning) for adults with various levels of difficulty;
  • DAFNI KEK (GR) institution with a long curriculum of training activities in particular for learning digital skills, life skills and soft skills;
  • VHS CHAM (DE) partners with extensive experience in training for women (migrants and refugees) especially in the field of development of digital and linguistics skills (English, German);
  • VHS WIEN (AT) institution dealing with vocational training and social research;
  • CARDET (CY) research and technological development center working in synergy with local, national and international institutions, universities including Yale and the International Council of Educational Media.


Women Education and STrategic Approach foR Training !

Proj. no: 2018-1-IT01-KA202-006786
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Content created/collected by: WESTART Partnership

Website Design and Implementation: DAFNI KEK



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche