Social Learning Platform
What is the WESTART Social Learning Platform?
The WESTART! Social Learning Platform (S.L.P.) is a digital learning space which aims at providing resources to women to support their employment, vocational and adult education opportunities.
The S.L.P. is divided into 3 areas accessible to target women and professionals: ORIENTATION – SKILLS – OPPORTUNITIES.
ORIENTATION AREA: its objective is to simplify the inclusion processes of women that face precarious social conditions. Orientation in its educational function will support the development of resources, skills and conditions favourable to women’s self-orientation process, increasing well-being, active participation and adaptability to the context of these women. In its consultative function, it will facilitate personal planning and the development of training objectives consistent with the salient aspects of personal and social identity, through the support of professionals.
Goals to achieve:
- identifying skills, abilities and interests of women users;
- developing skills assessment (soft skills, life skills, career management skills, formal and non-formal) held;
- defining autonomous personal, training and professional goals
SKILLS AREA concerns the increase of motivation to participate in professional training courses (initial or continuous). According to what was noticed during ORIENTATION, the target women develop / enhance the following skills:
- life (including soft skills, management skills, etc);
- health-related skills (including prevention, self-care, planning, etc)
- money-related skills (including budgeting, use of digital tools, etc)
- education and training (including language learning/development, employment counselling and other related skill
- work-related skills (career counselling, labour rights, media litercy, etc)
OPPORTUNITIES AREA encourages the inclusion of women through their “social” functions: getting to know other women and exchanging skills and experiences (peer education and skills sharing); find information on training offers compatible with your desires / needs / abilities.
This area is be open to public and private institutions registered with the S.L.P., which will be able to provide information on activities and courses.
OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AREA is accessible only to professionals and contains:
- the Management Manual that can be consulted and downloaded in OER;
- the activities and tools developed;
- good practices and case studies;
- the repository, that is the possibility to meet “virtually” other professionals (at European level) and exchange information, materials, advice (forum or blackboard).
Women Education and STrategic Approach foR Training !
Proj. no: 2018-1-IT01-KA202-006786
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Content created/collected by: WESTART Partnership
Website Design and Implementation: DAFNI KEK
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.