WeSTART! Social Learning platform

WeSTART! Social Learning platform

We are happy to announce that after two years of work, the WeSTART! Social Learning Platform (S.L.P.) is ready for public use! The WeSTART! S.L.P. embodies two of the project’s products, the Toolkit and the Platform itself. The “Toolkit” refers to all the resources provided for independent learning, while the “Platform” is the digital space […]

WE Start! – 3rd partners’ meeting in Cham, Germany

WE Start! – 3rd partners’ meeting in Cham, Germany

The 3rd partners meeting of WE Start! project, was hosted by the project partner VHS Cham, between 5 and 6 of December 2019, in the city of Cham, Germany. The 3rd partners meeting, was a long discussion and brainstorming around the second output of the project, the Social Learning platform. During the meeting, all partners […]

The WE Start! Guide is now available!

The WE Start! Guide is now available!

We are happy to announce that the first intellectual output of the project is now publicly available to all!!! The Guide is available in English, Italian, German, Greek and Romanian. You can find all the versions of the Guide in its dedicated page of our website by visiting this link. We hope you find it […]

WE Start! – 2nd partners meeting in Vienna, Austria

WE Start! – 2nd partners meeting in Vienna, Austria

The 2nd partners meeting of WE Start! project, was hosted by the project partner VHS Wien, between 15th and 16th of May 2019, in the city of Vienna, Austria. The partners had an overview of the project activities carried out after the kickoff meeting. The main focus of the meeting was the progress of the […]

WE Start! Project – First partners’ meeting in Patras, Greece

WE Start! Project – First partners’ meeting in Patras, Greece

WE Start! project – Women.Education(and)STrategic.Approach.foR.Training!, kicked-off on January 7th and 8th, with a meeting hosted by the project partner DAFNI KEK in the city of Patras, Greece. WE Start! is a project funded by the Erasmus+ project, gathering together 8 partners from Italy, Austria, Germany, Romania, Cyprus and Greece: Accademia Nuovi Studi Intarnationali (Accademia Grupo) […]